The socially conscious footwear company, Toms Shoes is launching a campaign to raise social awareness on April 8. They are asking you to join them for One Day Without Shoes. TOMS already donates one pair of shoes for every pair that they sell. The video below gives a good overview of what they are about. Now they are trying to raise awareness about an issue they are passionate about.
TOMS has dedicated an entire website to promoting One Day Without Shoes. The site says “Most children in developing countries grow up barefoot whether at play, doing chores, or just getting around. These children are at risk. It’s hard without shoes. Constantly aware of the ground in front of you, suffering regular cuts and scrapes. Communities, campuses, merchants, and individuals are banding together.”
The site has a section titled “why shoes?” that explains why they feel adequate footwear is such an important issue. Years ago I was fortunate enough to hear a holocaust survivor speak. In addition to the many lessons learned about people idly standing by and doing little to stop others from doing evil, I was amazed to learn what she felt was one of the leading factors in determining your survival. She told us that people with good shoes had a much better chance of surviving. Shoes???
I have heard about Tom's Shoes and I've seen people wearing them and I've thought it was a really good idea ever since I heard about it. I didn't know about the foot disease or why they donated shoes, but now I understand it and I definitely support what they're doing! "A Day Without Shoes" is a great idea, but I don't know how many people can participate. Almost all buildings require a shirt and shoes and getting into these businesses would be difficult without shoes. Also, I doubt construction workers, students, teachers, and possibly food service employees could participate in this event. Construction workers are at risk for tetanus if they step on a rusty nail or could be injured by broken glass and harmful objects on the ground. Teachers and students could be at risk for spreading diseases (like athlete's foot)and it's probably against code for schools and restaurants to allow their students and employees to go without shoes. However, if the school allows students to do this event, I definitely would! It's for a great cause and I support it 100%. :)
ReplyDeleteThis video is hopeful, but still pretty upsetting. Mainly because of the people who don't have something that we consider a simple necessity, but also because of the message it sends about all of the meaningless things we own that society says we need in order to be happy. If people bought these shoes it would be a great help to others who need them. What if people would realize the worthlessness of many of the things we use every day? Perhaps we would be better people because of that. Happier, healthier, nicer? Maybe if more people did "A Day Without Shoes" they would become more aware of how easy it is to fix some of these people's problems. I know I would participate in this movement and I know I won't be the only one. Hopefully the word can be spread and more people can participate and buy a pair or two of Tom's Shoes.
ReplyDeleteI have also heard of Tom’s Shoes and I think it is a great idea. If someone buys a pair of there shoes then they will donate a pair. Who wouldn’t want to help out kids and adults that are barefoot and catching diseases? “One Day Without Shoes” does sound like a good idea but as Rachel said many jobs and school won’t allow it because of the risks involved. But if it was allowed honestly I don’t believe that many people would participate anyways. It is sad that they live without shoes everyday and if I can help I would, but the people that have lived with them don’t know what it is like and they are not going to change even for one day. They would find another way to help and that’s why Tom’s Shoes is a good idea. I would probably be one of those people that won’t participate in the “One Day Without Shoes” because its not something I have ever done and if I do have shoes I am going to wear them and donate my time any other way I can.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100000% with Rachel. And I can also understand where someone would be coming from if they did tell me having shoes increased your ability to survive. Think about everywhere you walk in one day. You go through many unsanitary places such as your bathroom and outside. Also, the more public a place is (such as school) the more likely bacteria and viruses and fungi and all sorts of unsanitary things can infect you. And all of this can be prevented with shoes. So I am very glad that "Toms" is doing this because shoes are things people in our culture take for granted. And I am definitly thinking of buying my own pair if it will help change someone's life!
ReplyDeleteI actually own a pair of Tom shoes, so I already knew about this, but good job with posting this Mr. Lafave. Most people only concentrate on themselves with their foot attire, but Tom's shoes make it possible for people to help and not have to put forth barely any effort in the process.
ReplyDeleteI think this is a great idea. Before i watched the video i never really thought about not having shoes. I just never thought that people in developing countries wouldnt have shoes. But i can't imagine would it would be like. Donating shoes for every pair they sell is so thoughtfull. That disease and all the other things they are exposed to is scary to think about. I don't think i could live without shoes. i think the day without shoes is a good idea but i'm not sure how many people will do it just because of the busy shedules people have.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Rachel said. Although it is a good idea and is for a good cause, it isn't really ideal for people today to go a whole day without wearing shoes. Many places will not allow it. I do however, hope that some places will make an acception just for this event.
ReplyDeleteI have heard about Tom before and what he does, and I think is a really good thing to do and I Think that Tom is a great person and abviously has a big heart. I agree with Rachel in the fact that some students won't go a day without shoes, and i don't think that teachers will either in the fear of spreading diseases. I would difenetely buy a pair of shoes if it will help and give a pair of shoes to a child in need. Because i know how it is to not have a pair of shoes, I also have known people who did not have a pair of shoes and I that is not healthy for the feet or the person itself. And in those cases people in need will be very appreciated with the pair of shoes and will be one of the happiest days in their lives and it would mean a lot to me if I am part of that. So yeah I will look more into that and see how the shoes are and maybe order a pair of shoes =) HUGO
ReplyDeleteI also have heard of Toms Shoes and even own a few pairs. First of all I believe that what Toms Shoes is doing is a great way to help those in need of basic necessities, such as shoes. We need to create more awareness about this issue to others because many have no idea how awful living conditions are in certain places in the world. I personally have been many places where people don’t own any shoes at all and walk everywhere barefoot. I definitely advocate this movement and I would gladly participate in the “One Day Without Shoes”, but as Rachel pointed out, many places have a “shoe policy” and I believe our school does too. I would happily just wear my socks around the school to still support the awareness though. I think we should inform our school about this event and then we could possibly participate in it on April 8th and see Clover students with no shoes on! I can’t wait to get a sniff of all the smelly feet!
ReplyDeleteI think this is a really good idea to help them kids that dont have very much. And shoes are really important to have. Foot diseases is serious and could lead to death.
ReplyDeleteIt would not be a problem for me to go a day with shoes as long as i know it is for a good cause. And iam sure the places where them children walk are not the most sanitary. I could consider to buy a pair of toms shoes in order to help a child.