Wednesday, January 26, 2011

New York City Vs. Denver-Who's the Bigger Polluter?

A study was done to figure out which cities in the world were the biggest polluters. Researchers studied data from 100 cities from 33 nations. 71 percent of greenhouse gases come from cities but the people who live in the cities, who use public transportation helped lower emissions in some cities. Big cities like New York, London and Shanghai send less pollution into the atmosphere than places like Denver and Rotterdam. Denver's emissions were almost as twice as much as New York City's emissions. "This is mainly attributable to New York's greater density and much lower reliance on the automobile for commuting," said the study. New York City is the home to 8 million people. Chinese cities stood out from the rest of the world because their average emissions were far higher. The study showed that cities with colder weather have higher emissions, and for poor and middle income countries, like Asia, Latin America and Africa, to have lower emissions per capita than wealthy countries. It was found that the highest emissions came from the suburbs, with large single family homes that are far from commercial centers. The lowest levels of emissions came from areas with apartment complexes in walking distance to shopping and transportation.


  1. I'm glad I read this article because it turned out to be the opposite of what i expected. It was neat to see what actually made one city more of a polluter than another. I always thought that just because a city was big meant it was a big polluter. I think it's a good things that big cities are the ones that typically less of a pollluter because if that wasn't the case there could be serious problems.

  2. This is really surprising to see that a big city is not that big of a polluter. It really shows that you can not judge a book by its cover because looking at NYC people automatically think the city is ruining the environment. I do not really like huge crowded cities but because they cause less damage on the environment maybe more people should live in cities like that.
