Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mammoth remains: Possible clones

A Russian led international team found remains of an ancient mammoth that still has fur and bone marrow with some nuclei intact. The Russian scientist said that all they need to clone the mammoth is one of its cells. Many scientist have attempted to revive mammoths but have failed. The cells from this find have been sent to Korean scientists for further examination. The scientists are relying on the permafrost to preserve the cells, but the mammoth’s remains would have to be frozen in a temperature between -4 and -20 Celsius for the cells to be intact. I think they need to focus on areas that have that consistent temperature year round.

1 comment:

  1. The finding of this mammoth is very important, because it will help us to understand more about this creature. If cloning is possible then we could successfully clone it and finally see a live mammoth.
