Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Can a Jellyfish Unlock the Secret of Immortality?

Christian Sommer was just a German marine-biology student in Rapallo, a small city on the Italian Riviera, is on the verge of solving a timeless question; is immortality possible? Sommer went snorkeling everyday to get samples that he could catch in his net. When he went home he puts what he found in Petri dishes.  He caught hundreds of samples and out of them he caught immortal jelly fish. When they were put into the Petri dish, Sommer noticed that instead of dying like all of the rest of the samples, the jelly fish did not die. In fact they did not even age. Their aging was reversed until their earliest stages of life then stared their life over again. After a quarter of a century we now know that the jellyfish do this when under assault. Scientist are also trying to find if this can be used to be an advantage for humans. I believe that messing with the possibility of immortality is not right. If this is achieved, what would happen to the human population? Soon there would not be enough room on Earth for people.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

As Wolves’ Numbers Rise, So Does Friction Between Guardians and Hunters

Decades ago, Wolves were close to extinction across the United States. They are now being raised, fed off of a bottle and cared for. People ,like Ms. Dowler, treat the wolves not as wild animals but as harmless pets.  Since then, the wolf population has increased drastically and is now off the endangered species list. In Wisconsin and Minnesota, it is now legal to hunt wolves and the season is just starting. However, animal rights groups have been protesting against the new  hunting season. They believe it will reverse the newly increased population. “We’ve spent a lot as a nation to protect them,” said Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States. It is now confirmed that over 42 wolves have been killed so far and an estimated 600 will be by the end of the season.  The possible solution to this is to wait longer for it to be legal to hunt wolves. Their population was just restored, let them have time to settle. The barrier is that if their population does increase more rapidly than expected, the outcomes will not end well.  I think that if we wait more time to make the hunting legal it would be beneficial to the wolves.

Swallowing Rain Forest, Cities Surge in Amazon

          The Amazon was once a home to the rain forest with little human contact. That is now changing drastically. Population rates are increasing causing cities to move into the jungle. This makes the Amazon  Brazil's fastest growing region. Although, Brazil still tries to stay away from the Amazon people still continue to come. Scientist say because of the increase migration to the area could erode the gains that were recently presented by curbing deforestation. Possible solutions could be to outlaw humans from living in a certain proximity from the Amazon. The Barriers would be keeping people from moving there and what to do with the people already living there. I believe that this possible solutions could  work when enough effort is applied.