Friday, November 5, 2010

"Dead Coral Found Site of Gulf Oil Spill"

It seems that the BP Oil Spill has yet to stop affecting the planet. A dead coral reef near the spill strongly suggests the spill is responsible, but the evidence is circumstantial, such as the darkened corals and documented presence of oil in the area. This evidence strongly points to the BP Oil Spill, though more research and investigation will have to prove this. This is among the first evidence to support that the oil spill was a detriment to marine life. Investigation is under way, but unfortunately only robots can go to the deep, marine area, prohibiting human investigation of the possibly ocean floor coral reefs and the impact of the oil spill on that area. Another issue is the fact that the toxins will unlikely be able to trace back to the oil spill. Personally, I feel this asserts the environmental dangers and disadvantages to oil spills, and will hopefully give light to the problems with the recent BP oil spill and its environmental impact.


  1. I wonder what other ways can we reverse the damange already done if we as people can not go that deep into the ocean. This makes me question what other damage the oil spill has done and what we do not know about it. We need to find ways to try and reverse all the damange done because we can see this is affecting tons of things and has a long-term affect on the ocean. I wonder what we will find taking the robot into the ocean and what we will learn about the spill.

  2. coral reefs will always be in danger. whether oil was spilled near them or humans are taking piece by piece to sell beach items to tourists or for research. the oil spill wont just go away w/in a couple years. it will probably be here for years to come, affecting life all around it. just like the exxon mobile spill in alaska. it was over 20 years ago & they still havent disposed of all the oil. but technology doesnt always help the issue, it can create problems too. but a robot can bring some of the coral back up to shore for investigation of oil in it, even though it will destroy part of something amazing.

  3. This comes as no surprise. Of course the oil will continue to do damage, and I don't think that BP's job should have stopped at cleaning the oil spill. They also need to look at the environmental issues they are caused by their carelessness. Their job is far from complete in my eyes.
