Friday, November 26, 2010

In California, Carports That Can Generate Electricity

In California they have installed seventy-five solar carports in elementary schools and community colleges. It is set up to where the parking lot is covered and the cover generates electricity. Some have outlets for solar-charging electric cars. This great solar carport will generate 75% of the electricity for the school during the school year and cover all the cost for electricity during the summer months. Many people in California oppose the idea of these solar carports. If we could get people to agree on the idea we could help save the enviroment and save people a lot of money. Total saving in some places over a twenty-year period could add up to be twelve million dollars. People would soon think covered parking lots were normal rather than uncovered parking lots being normal.


  1. I think this is a great idea because it saves the school and the community money. Creating this carport with solar energy could save colleges and schools a lot of money. I dont see how someone could disagree with the carports b/c they are doin no harm to the enviroment and is saving people millions I think schools and community homes should be looking into one of theses carports.

  2. This is a good idea. it promotes energy efficiency. i believe all schools in the US should do this. it might be costly to start off, but in the long run it will save money. especially during the summer when its hot, and the sun beats down more than in the winter. they could use the money saved for the students like incentives or for school upgrades.

  3. This is a great idea and I agree with it, but why are some of the locals disagreeing with it? Does it have to do with money?

  4. I agree with Miranda that it's probably expensive to start out which might be the controversy? But in the long run all it does is help the environment and will eventually help the school save lots of money. This seems like a great idea and California needs to help spread their ideas to other parts of the country. Everyone should be jumping at the change to save millions of dollars right?

  5. This is a very good idea. This should be something that should spread nationwide. I wonder how much money this saves for the school and how much electricity this actually produces. I can't see how someone can pops such an idea.

  6. This is a great idea, not only does it save your car from acid rain spots, but it also creates energy. It's a shame South Carolina has no initiative to produce such progressive, environmental structures. Figures it comes from California.
