Saturday, December 15, 2012

Noise Pollution affecting Ocean

The ocean used to be quiet all except for the noises of fish and other sea creatures, but rising noise pollution from human activity as disrupted this balance. Noise from boats, oil rigs, and military testing all contribute to the noise that is now affecting the ocean and sea creatures. This noise can especially cause problems to dolphins and whales who heavily rely on hearing to navigate and communicate. Luckily the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association is trying to fix this problem by creating an undersea map tracking the sound across parts of the ocean and trying to pin point where most of the noise pollution is coming from. Using this technology will help scientist to be able to find out which areas suffer from the most noise pollution and will hopefully be able to solve the problem and help the local sea life. This solution may very well work but the shear amount of time, money and the size of the ocean are major problems that the NOAA needs to hurdle. In my opinion NOAA should gain support from other ocean organizations in America and other countries. If enough support is raised, then this project could be a success.


  1. I think it is very important to cut back on the noise pollution. Sea animals such as dolphians have extreamly sensitive hearing. The noise pollution can do some serious harm to them. It needs to stop. More people need to be aware of it. The undrsea map tracking is a grat idea to figure out where all of the sound is coming from. with this technology we can stop the noise for good and have the sea animals live happily with no issues.

  2. I agree that the noise pollution should be stopped. Most of the animals in the ocean depend on sound to get them where they are going and to communicate with other animals. So if ships are going around trying to map the sea floor with sound then it is going to mess with the animals life styles and potentially kill the animals int the process so more people should be aware of this and put a stop to it.
