Friday, December 28, 2012

Scientists Report Faster Warming in Antarctica

Scientist at a research center in West Antarctica have discovered that the temperature has increased by 4.4 degrees fahrenheit since 1958. It is twice as much as they had thought and the increase is three times the rate global warming is. An extreamly large sheet of ice is expected to collapse and is thought to majorly affect sea levels. This a very serious issue that everyone needs to know about. West Antarctica is now one of the fast warming regions on the planet. Even though the temperatures normally are well below freezing, sometimes in the summer they go above freezing. The 4.4 degrees increase then becomes a huge issue. In the summer of 2005 the interior of the region warmed enough for surfeace melting. Something needs to be done to stop this. If the ocean levels rise it will become a global crisis. The holes in the ozone layer above the poles need to repair. And the only way that will happen is with a tremendous decrease in CO2 emmissions.

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