Sunday, August 29, 2010

"California Moves To Ban Plastic Bags at Grocery Stores"

California is trying to implicate a law banning plastic bags, costing costumers should they forget to use their own. While they are not banning the use of plastic bags costumers bring in and reuse, if they forget their own, they'll be charged and have to buy paper ones. Californians are trying to reduce the number of plastic bags that end up in unsightly places with this new law, and should it pass, they will be the first state to implement such a law. While I believe that this law could help prevent plastic bag waste, there is the issue of the plastic bags that are all ready out there polluting the environment. Also, because plastic bags are allowed if costumers bring them in, we still have the issue of plastic bag use, which could still harm the environment. While putting in this law, Californians also need to decide what to do with the plastic bags that currently exist.


  1. I agree with Haydan on how there is already plastic bags that are all ready out there polluting the enviroment. California needs to be more concentrated on reducing the amount of plastic being used currently. I also beilive it would be hard to pass a law that banned plastic bags being the first state to do such a thing.

  2. This sounds like a really good idea. I like how California is the first state to do this. I think it will really have a great impact on the environment to have so many less plastic bags. It is kind of surprising that it hasn't been banned earlier than now...but hey it's better than never! :)

  3. Yes I do agree its a shock that it hasn't been done earlier yet I'm still confused like Ryan and Hayden why they are wanting to ban something like plastic bags when they could be focused on how many plastic bags are in the waste today. I really do think that they need to be banned and yes its never too late but what would it do now? I mean it would help but I doubt it would even get passes with it being so widely used. Why don't we do something like researching a way to decompose the plastic in an energy efficient way or even just making a law to recycle all plastics?...Just a thought!

  4. if grocery stores in Cali want to ban plastic, why can't they ban paper? plastic takes longer to decompose, but paper uses more trees. if people are trying to save trees, why encourage to use paper bags in grocery stores? maybe they should make a law to only use those reusable bags you buy for $1. or better yet, just do like Costco & Sams Clube and not use any type of bags at all, just put it all in the buggy to take to your car.
