Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A House of Trash

Dan Phillips and his wife have started a new kind of construction business. The couple founded Phoenix Commotion, which builds houses made entirely out of trash. From wine-cork floors to recycled lumber, these houses are Ecofriendly, low cost, and beautiful to boot! Here's a picture of one of the homes:

Dan challenges his blog readers to look in a dumpster in any common home construction site. 100% of the time, he says, it will be filled with lumber, windows, siding, you name it. He couldn't believe these companies were so wasteful, so he decided to do something about it. To date, Phillips has built 13 homes in 12 years, and he has no intention of slowing down.

Here's the link to the article:

And here's the link to Dan's website:


  1. I couldn't imagine having a house like this, would it be cool? YES! But i believe the house wold stink, if all the trash came out of the dumpster!

  2. I agree with Christian and Dan and every hobo who has ever rooted through the trash to find something of subjective value. Although I'm slightly concerned that Dan thought he was going to find things other than lumber and house parts in a home construction dumpster. This is certainly an interesting idea. While the word eco-friendly does make me want to get up and do some kind of tribal dance, it's slightly distressing to know that these same root through the garbage and make something tactics might be easily utilized by the food industry...

  3. This is pretty cool! I wouldn't pick myself to live in a house like this because I'd worry it would stink all the time. I think this is a neat approach and maybe Dan could present it to other people and have other building built like this.

  4. If you think about it you do not have to have all new thing when you are building a house. During the summer we use any material that we can to help build homes and make them safer so it is kind of like what is happening in this case.

  5. Wow, this is a very creative way to recycle trash. Although i would not want my house to be made out of trash, it is obviously very eco friendly, and a challenging but extremeley interesting way to consume less materials that are apparently not needed to build a house.

  6. This is a great idea! Recycling should be done whenever possible, especially when it is involving such valuable resources like these. I imagine it would be cheaper to build as well since you are getting materials that would have otherwise been thrown away.
