Monday, February 28, 2011

Coral Reefs May Be Gone by 2050

A recent study done is saying that if changes are not made, coral reefs throughout every ocean on Earth will wiped out completely. Experts say that there are many reasons that coral reef habitats are being destroyed. Things such as warming water temperatures, the ocean becoming too acidic, overfishing, coastal development, and agricultural runoff are problems for coral reefs. These things cause the coral reefs to "stress out" and turn white which is them showing their skeletons. Reaserchers say that 90% of existing reefs will be threatened by the year 2030, and increasing by 10% in just 20 more years. Many marine species live and feed on coral reefs so they will be affected too. Something has to be done. Coral reefs are very unique and should be protected. Many people have never seen them and would like to. But if we do not do something like stop polluting our oceans then many people will never see them. We must do what we can to solve this problem or coral reefs will not exist.


  1. I believe that coral reefs should be protected. Not only will the coral reefs be in danger, but also other marin species? This is obviously an issue that needs to be put into action. Overfishing is a problem of its own, and people don't realize how much it affects other living things. I wish people would care more about our enviroment, because beautiful sites like coral reefs are being tooken advantage of.

  2. I think that they should be protected almost like a state or national park. They are a good places for people to get out and see many different species of fish and other animals. Then you also see the pure beauty of the reef. I know that some of them are protected but i think that all of the should be.

  3. The coral reefs should most definitely be protected. Not only are they the most biologically diverse biome, but they are also aesthetically pleasing. Destroying these puts several species at risk and although some are protected from overfishing, that still doesn't prevent them from the harm done by global warming or the acidity levels of the ocean.

  4. Wow, I think that we should start protecting our oceans and coral reefs better! We are causing so much harm to our environment on land and sea, and something needs to stop it. It's not realistic for us to try and change and save everything, but there are definitely steps that can be taken to help save and preserve the corals reefs and the animals that live in them. Coral reefs help our oceans out so much, they provide a habitat for many animals, and they are extraordinary, they also bring in a lot of money as tourist attractions. We cannot let coral reefs become extinct, we still have a lot of time to change our behavior, and safe the reefs.

  5. I love coral reefs! I'm really just in love with the ocean in general. I really think that there should be something done about seriously taking action in protecting them. Coral reefs depend on other organisms and other organisms depend on them, so once they are gone so will a big portion of our oceans.

  6. This is so sad. I feel as if the coral reefs need to be protected just like any endangered habitat. Not only is the ocean beautiful but it is home to thousands of fish. Eliminating the coral reefs will mean eliminating thousands of fish.. and something needs to be done to make sure this doesn't happen!

  7. It's really sad that this is happening. Coral reefs are really pretty and it is a shame that people don't care enough to try and preserve them and other things in our environment. It's disappointing to think that these beautiful biomes are in such danger because of people.

  8. This is terrible. Something needs to be done to protect coral reefs. They are the most biologically diverse areas in the ocean. Without them, many different species of fish and other creatures would go extinct. They also provide an area for people to dive and enjoy. Something needs to be done so that they don't disappear.

  9. I definitely agree with everyone that coral reefs must be protected at any cost. The idea that something so beautiful and home to many different species may be completely gone in just 40 years is not acceptable. Just as Mackenzie was saying, we should protect the coral reefs in the same way we would a state park. I believe this responsibility belongs ultimately to our government. Those elected have the power to enforce the beliefs many of us have that can’t seem to get others to cooperate. By setting higher restrictions on fishing policies and how we use our oceans, the coral reef would have a much better chance at survival.
