Thursday, February 24, 2011

High speed rail is all the rage: here, there, everywhere

The high speed rail is at the top of the list of the worlds new ideas of transportation. The rails are becoming more popular is the U.S., Europe, and most of all, China. U.S. states such as California are taking action in installing a $9.95 billion high speed rail project. However, China has been exploring plans to install a rail that connects then to Europe. This will make travel much easier and cheaper. The U.S. has set aside $8.8 billion in funds for 13 new high speed rail project across the country. China and Japan have been the largest users of the new bullet trains. The trains have been generally known to be traveling at 180 mph. Japan has even built the world's largest train carrying over 308 people last year. I really like these trains and the idea of using them for more transportation. I use the speed train every time I travel to downtown Charlotte, they are a great way to save gas and get somewhere quickly.


  1. I love the trains! They are such a good way to decrease car pollution and to get places faster.

  2. Althought these trains cost an insane amount of money, they are a good idea for the people who would be using them. People could save a lot of money on gas and it might even appease the global warming fanatics.

  3. I forgot to post my website so here it is.
