Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Take a Step to a Brighter future... Recycle.

Recycling in general is a very easy, very helpful thing to do for the environment as well as mankind as a whole.  The fact that some people refuse to take that extra step is baffling when it takes very little to do so.  Glass recycling is not only good for the environment; it’s also very efficient.  As stated in the article, “Recovered glass from glass recycling is the primary ingredient in all new glass containers.”  Most glass containers are made up of about 70 percent of recycled glass, which not only saves money but also makes creating new glass easy.  Since glass can take a million years to break down, by recycling you help the environment and also conserve natural resources such as sand and limestone.  So, along with being easy, glass recycling is also beneficial for everyone.  Why not just recycle glass?  The solution to this problem is to get people aware.  The issue is that no one seems to be listening.  The environment needs us, and when something is so simple, there is no reason for people not to take the step to a brighter future.  The only thing standing in the way of an easy solution is those who believe recycling is difficult or too time consuming.  All one needs is an accessible recycle bin, or even a normal box.  Place your recycled goods, along with glasses, in the box everyday, and you’re done.  In some cases, you may even get paid for your recycled glasses. In my opinion, glass recycling should some how be enforced, along with every kind of recycling.  When it saves so many resources and helps mankind as well as the environment, there’s no excuse not to recycle.     


  1. I totally, 100% agree with this article! Recycling is one of the best things that we can do for the environment, and it's so easy! Recycling really does not take much effort, and many companies are making it easier to dispose of products, so that no person will have an excuse to not recycle. Many dumps, make recycling so easy, that no one has any excuse to not do it. All we have to do is seperate our trash a little more, and we all will be taking part in an effort to help the environment. We could also make so much more out of recycled materials, which in return would save everyone money, and help the environment. So we should all recycle, and for those who don't, we need to make sure that they start now.

  2. I agree with this artice and Kate. Recycling is so effictive, I dont think people understand how effictive such a simple task can be. By just placing your cans and glass into a seperate container we are saving our planet! I feel as if everyone should contribute to recycling, it will make the world a better place.
