Thursday, April 28, 2011

Migrating Sea Turtles Pick Up More Pollution

One main thing loggerhead turtles have had to face is man-made pollution. Scientists are now questioning the extent of the risk. Research is now being conducted through blood samples from a group of male turtles to test the contamination. The group is led by Jared M. Ragland, a graduate student from Charleston, South Carolina. The group members, along with Ragland weight the turtles, took blood samples, and examined their reproductive systems. Over two months, ten of the turltes traveled north while the rest remained in Cape Canaveral. The loggerheads that migrated had higher levels of pesticides than those who remained in the same location. While it is possible the fish the migrating turtles feed on are more polluted, scientists concluded turtles that migrate naturally eat more, causing more pollution. The question of the pollution of the loggerhead turtle still remains unanswered. The males continue to have higher levels of contamination and further research is being conducted.

I believe a lot of the reason to the pollution lies with pollution created by residents around beach areas. While the scientists did find some of the pollution comes from food the turtles eat, the fish consumed were not always polluted. I believe even if we are not the primary source of the pollution, we should do all the we can to protect our waters and keep beaches clean.


  1. I definitely agree that we should put more effort into keeping our beaches and ocean clean. This is yet another example that pollution hurts anything and everything. I agree that it is probably a mix of the polluted fish from the water and us polluting the beaches. I hope more research is done and they use this as an example to get peoples attention about pollution in the water.

  2. I love going to the beach and it's even better when it's clean! So i agree that we should do everything we can to keep it that. It not only affects us it affects all the animals and plants in it. Pollution is not possible to erase but I know we can do things to decrease it greatly.
