Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Sensor Glove May Help Stroke Patients Recover Mobility

People who have strokes are often left with moderate to severe physical impairments. Now, thanks to a glove, stroke patients may be able to recover hand motion by playing video games. It is designed to allow patients to exercise in their own homes with minimal supervision, while at the same time permitting doctors to monitor their progress from a distance, thus cutting down on hospital visits and costs. Patients can monitor their progress thanks to software, which will generate 3D models and display them on the screen, while at the same time sending the information to the treating physician.


  1. This sounds like a good idea in theory, but it's not mentioned how expensive this glove is to either buy or rent. It is of course good to save on hospital bills, but would the glove end up generating the same need for money? I know people have had strokes, and I'm sure they'd like it much more to stay at home and begin recovery, than make a lot hospital trips. However, it's also not mentioned whether this will completely cut out hospital trips, or if it'll only cut out maybe one or two. It's a great idea, and I'd love to see how well it works, and what the games are actually like. Maybe they'll eventually have a variety of these glove games available for more people, which would be a even better idea.

  2. I agree with Brie. There are still a lot of unanswered questions. This sounds like a really good idea and could potentially work out really well. I think it'd be interesting to see how far it goes. I know people close to me who have strokes and see how they are affected so I like that something like this could be done to help them. But i'd like to see more research done on it.
