The CDC found 212 chemicals in samples of human blood last year. More than 180 of the chemicals found originate from oil and or natural gas. While everyone's worried about the gulf being polluted, humans have been polluting themselves for many years. We consume these oils by eating and by applying skin products and ointments such as Neosporin. These chemicals are called petrochemicals and they are in almost everything ranging from plastic to your household furniture. Through these products they are absorbed into our bodies. The problem with these petrochemicals is that they are hormone disruptors. They effect our moods, sexual development, and growth. The best way to avoid the petrochemicals is an extremely organic diet.
This is disturbing and disgusting. Why are they still allowing these oil-based products to be sold if we are sure that over 85% of the chemicals found in the human blood come from said products? And why has there not been anymore coverage on this? We talk all day about the oil spill in the Gulf and persecute BP, but we fail to find fault with the companies who are directly affecting human hormones. More studies should be done to make sure the effects can be as severe as the article suggests, or maybe they are just minor defects in hormones. We also should increase the number of organic and natural products we use, as the article suggests.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the reason why such a discussion is overlooked is because as a human you probably do not care that much about what is in products. Especially if you take into consideration the product is something that you personally like or could not imagine living life without. I can see why this topic is overlooked however it more than likely needs to be known so maybe companies will be pressured into making more organic products that are more safe for us.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Haydan, if they know about all of this and how its affecting us then why are they still producing these products and letting us use them? This is the first time I have ever heard about this which means that they are thinking it's not a big deal so they're not going to tell everybody about it over the news or take the products off the shelves and try to make them better.
ReplyDeleteYeah we overlook what we are putting into/on our bodies but at the same time it's just disturbing about how these companies haven't tried to come up with a different way.
I think we probably haven't heard anything about it because more than likely whatever is being put into our bodies isn't life threatening. When is the last time you heard of somebody dying from Neosporin? These products pass through the FDA before they can be sold so how harmful can they actually be? If you're using them a ridiculous amount then the effects would probably be seen, but with moderate use I doubt it's very serious.