Wednesday, December 8, 2010

5 of the Newest and Craziest Genetically Modified Foods (3 Are Animals)

We all have learned about genetically modified foods, or GMO's which remind you of soybeans and corn. Well, not there are 5 MORE GMO's that have been created. The FDA have not approved of these foods...yet, but they could in the near future. These new 5 foods include: Super Chicken Eggs- the eggs come from genetically modified chickens that have cancer fighting proteins. Non-browning apples- the gene that produces the enzyme polyphenol oxidase is "silenced". So now the apples don't turn brown very fast, if at all. A third GMO is a Fast Growing Salmon- The fish can now grow in 16 months instead of 3 years... Hyper Producing Seeds- They produce and grow at a much faster rate increasing yield for farmers. The final GMO is the Enviro-Pig?!! These pigs produce 65% less phosphorous in their waste and urine. This is important because the phosphorous causes an excessive growth of algae in ponds which removes oxygen from the ponds and kills fish. So, these pigs produce less phosphorous and are more enviro friendly...


  1. I cannot believe scientists are making pigs environmentally friendly now! Fruits and eggs are one thing but pigs?! I kind of think we shouldn't mess as much with animals natural chemical balances no matter how many fish or pond we might save.

  2. i think this is really cool, the fact that we can use these GMO's without hurting the environment. faster salmon producing means cheaper foods without over fishing. pigs that are enviro friendly is a very cool thing and very futuristic

  3. It may be "cool" Matt, but have you thought of the consequences? An animal in its natural form has all of its body systems acting in sync the way they are naturally engineered to do. When they are artificially altered they can cause serious problems. It can cause birth defects, sterilization, and may even cause cancer to the humans that eat them. This article shows all the positive parts of the modified animals but, no cons are mentioned which usually means there are a ton.
