Thursday, December 9, 2010

Greenland Ice Sheet Flow Driven by Short-Term Weather Extremes, Not Gradual Warming, Research Reveals

The glaciers are melting in Greenland at an incresingly fast rate. The glacier covers 80% of Greenland.There is also a heavier rainfall than normal which is also icreasing the melting rate of the glaciers. I thinkthis is an important issue because the glacier is a habitat for many animals. If the animals have no where to live then they willl become extinct. This will mess up the entire ecosystem.
Katie Ford


  1. I almost did this article myself...haha. But I'm glad I didn't. I think that this is a very interesting topic because global warming has always been blamed for the ice caps melting, and now they are discovering that rapid changes do more damage than a gradual change does. I wonder if this kind of thing is happening to all of the other polar ice caps/sheets in the oceans?

  2. I wish you would have done this article, Shane. I have learned more from your comment than I did from Katie's uninformational post, but I still don't understand what is causing these weather extremes.
