Monday, December 6, 2010

A Crystal Ball for Electricity

Black and Veatech is an engineering and consulting firm that is involved with a variety of power plants and they say that the demand for power will continue, as well as the fear of global warming. Which will cause a dependence on renewable sources; such as nuclear power plants. There are more efficient motors that are being sold and the population could grow by 2.5 % and electricity will only rise 1.1%. An independence between economic growth and electric demand is arising. The future shape of electricity depends on the price of natural gas and the price of CO2 emissions. Renewable resources are steadily on the rise and are becoming more convenient as non-renewable resources become non-convenient.


  1. So I guess I'm a bit confused by this article. For some reason when I saw the title I was thinking there would be some kind of interesting article about Crystal balls being the answer to our energy demand. However, I understand that this is more of an informative article saying that non-renewable resources are on their way out?

  2. I thought the same thing as Stephen. I'm guessing the "crystal ball" means the future of electricity. Although I think there could be a bigger change in the future.
