Monday, December 6, 2010

Shark attack kills German woman off Egypt's Sharm Resort;_ylt=AmyxHqYr5xmvc8gD6eZLNzl4hMgF;_ylu=X3oDMTMxNDI1OXBlBGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDEwMTIwNS9lZ3lwdGdlcm1hbnlhY2NpZGVudHNoYXJrBHBvcwMxNgRzZWMDeW5fcGFnaW5hdGVfc3VtbWFyeV9saXN0BHNsawNzaGFya2F0dGFja2s-

A 70 year old woman was mauled to death by a shark off of the Red Sea resort she was staying in. She was snorkeling, and the shark attacked her thigh and arm, officials say this attack is very rare, and there have been two more like it in just one week. The cause isn't known for sure, but they think it's due to overfishing which has caused the sharks to move father inland to find food. The government has dumped chum into the waters to try and get the sharks away from the shore, but it has not shown much of an affect. This jaw-like incident is strange and worrying many swimmers and authorities.


  1. That's a great point Mccall, overfishing is a really big deal now days. All of the fish have no source of food which would cause the sharks to move closer to land to search for other food. I think the government should place restrictions on catchin these fish and how many you can catch to prevent such incidents.

  2. Wow, I am very surprised that the sharks would come further inland due to overfishing. I would think that they would go further out in the ocean away from the shore? This is a result of overfishing in the ocean and it is greatly affecting the environment of the ocean. It is very unusual for a shark to attack a human, and it is even more unusual for a shark to attack more than one human in the same week!

  3. It does seem like the overfishing does have an effect on this. Because it is strange that sharks would move further inland but then again if they don't have much food where they are they will have to move and attack any food they do find. We really need to stop overfishing because it's hurting the whole ecosystem and now sharks are hurting humans.

  4. Perhaps sharks are starting their rebellion. Overfishing however, is a huge problem and that's only logical to think that they come closer looking for food. As for the 70 year old woman who lost her life, that's just sad. What a terrible way to go out. How many shark attacks occur each year on average?

  5. Wow this is scary. I think that if they are coming inland then there needs to be more ways to stop them then just throwing out chum. They should try to make more fishing laws and make it to where its harder to fish. I do not believe you should be allowed to fish in the sea or ocean unless you have a probable cause such as your a fisherman for selling purposes not just for fun, this way maybe it could help some of the overfishing. Also there needs to be a way that people can be notified fast if a shark is spoted like really really loud signals or something idealy seen.

  6. Kaitlyn, I agree with you. Throwing chum out seems like a pathetic attempt to help this problem. There should be more advanced methods like underwater sounds only sharks can hear or something, lol. About the fisherman, how would an authoritative figure prove whether or not you were fishing for fun or food? People would just lie... :( There are some places near beaches where a man sits way up inside a cave thing 24/7 and looks through binoculars to watch out for sharks. I don't remember where this was though.
