Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Soap, raising Dioxins

According to the University of Minnesota, dioxins deluded from the antibacterial agent triclosan, used in deodorants, soaps and other consumer commodities are the cause for an increase in dioxins in the Mississippi River sediments. Over the last 30 years the 200 percent of dioxin has risen to 300 percent. The FDA has decided to put more funding into the study of a more safe triclosan which is related to disrupting hormonal functions. About 96 percent of triclosan from consumer products is disposed of in residential drains. The toxicity of the dioxins being released is no fully understood, but researchers do not have a positive insight. I personally think this is a big deal that first of all, the FDA were permitted to put triclosan in consumer products. The products listed are daily items and the effects aren't satisfactory. I think as long as the FDA strives and sticks to it they will find a better solution than triclosan, if they are permitted the funding.


  1. This is a scary thought, to think that the stuff that you clean yourself with could be harming you. And I agree completely, the FDA should make a change to this.

  2. i agree with levi, something that was made to clean and sanitize and to use every day was made with something that could potentally hurt us.
