Saturday, December 4, 2010

Benefits of Recycling Glass?

When you throw away a glass bottle, and it is sent to landfill, it can take an astonishing 1,000,000 years to break down. However, when you recycle a glass bottle, it takes only 30 days for it to recycled and re-used. Glass is also 100% pure, meaning it can be recycled over and over and over again with no loss of quality. Recovered glass from recycling is also the primary ingredient in almost all new glass containers. Recycling glass also saves a lot of energy. To make glass, sand and other materials have to be heated to temperatures of close to 2,600 degrees, which takes lots of energy, which can easily be conserved by recycling. Hopefully, you're now all inspired to recycle.


  1. I don't see why someone wouldn't wantto recycle. It's just the act of pure laziness. I also read in an article posted by Shane that recycling actually uses more energy and money than it does to actually produce the products being recycled. The fact that recycling products keep them from rotting in a landfill over thousands of years, doesn't bother me that more money is used to recycle them.

  2. I don't recycle at home, but I do think that everybody needs to have to recycle because if everybody started to recycle we would save so much energy and save alot more land because it wouldn't all have to be landfills.

  3. I recycle at home and i do recycle glass. I never would have thought that it takes that long for glass to break down. I also like the fact that glass is 100% pure and we could re use this over and over again. It really would help us save resources. I do not see why a person would not recycle. It is a very simple task by just keeping different garbage cans.
