Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Think Green, Eco-Friendly this Christmas

At this time of year when people are shopping for gifts that will make others green with envy, they should consider another kind of green — and it’s not money.

Today, Christmas is characterized by marketing, hectic schedules, overcrowded shopping malls and credit card charges.

In January, after the gifts have been opened and some even forgotten and the merriment has died down, the New Year will reflect the chaos of December. Landfills will be piled high with debris and households will feel the burden of overspending.

It’s ironic that excessive shopping during the holidays for the sole purpose of finding joy on Christmas day leads to financial stress and continued strain on our planet’s resources and environmental health. There is an obvious disconnect between what we seek as a nation and what we reap as a result.

Joy is often found in good times and good health spent with loved ones. The health of our planet is intrinsically connected to human health, but we are polluting our world with waste and conspicuous consumption that leads to natural resources depletion, air, water and ground pollution.

The Clean Air Council reports that almost one third of the trash generated in the United States is packaging. They also reported that in the United States, the average person discards 4.39 pounds of trash a day and 56 tons of trash per year. But during the holidays alone, an additional 5 million tons of waste in the form of wrapping paper and shopping bags is dumped into landfills.

People can do their part to preserve our corner of the world by purchasing items with the least amount of packaging, using one large bag and not taking plastic bags while shopping or by purchasing used items.

Additionally, they can re-use wrapping paper and gift bags that come with gifts they receive.

When you think green this Christmas, think eco-friendly, because the human health and the health of our planet is the greatest gift of all.


  1. http://rustonleader.com/node/7689

  2. I think this is a very good idea. Take a national holiday and find a way to make it better. Using eco-friendly wrapping paper, or buying things with less packaging makes A LOT of sense.
