Saturday, December 4, 2010

Hadron Supercollider: End of the World?

The Hadron Supercollider in Switzerland was built to try and prove and disprove theories about dark matter, other dimensions, and if smaller particles than atoms really exist. While this is all such great knowledge, a miscalculation could result in the possible end of the world. It is theorized that if protons collide at a certain speed, they will create the same moments that existed during the "Big Bang" and at which point they could obtain the "god particle" or the smallest block of matter possible. Many scientists are opposed to this, calculations show that in such a particle collision a black hole could form which would ultimate consume all matter around it, including the planet earth.


  1. If you are looking at the scientific theory of this I might could agree. On the other side, I think this is a bunch of bull. The end of the world will not end untill God saies it ends. I dont really care what science saies about it. I know we all have a planned time to die, so why worry. We cannot stop what is already going to happen. Im not really sure what this has to do with the enviroment either, but either way i disagree.

  2. I heard about his technology and its crazy to think that what this thing can do is even possible. And to think that one miscalculation can end in the making of a black hole is kind of scary. At the same time it makes me wonder what scientists could accomplish with this insane technology.

  3. Technology like this, in the hands of the wrong person is a scary thought. I really hope they have that place on major lockdown! Do you know if anything was actually proven or disproved, or is it just a test of sorts?

  4. I definitey do not want to die before it is my time. But if this risk is really realistic or a threat then I think more people would be outraged and I don't think it would be allowed to be done? I mean I don't know the laws in Switzerland or anything but who in their right mind would put the entire world at risk? Also, what are the benefits if they do find this smallest block of matter ever? What will i be able to do.. ?
