Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Future of Green Architecture: A Live-In Power Plant

Archietects have planned a building they want to build. The building will power enough electricity to power 4,000 homes near by. The good side to these buildings are they will generate the electricity by the sun heating liquefied salt that transfers heat to a convection loop that runs a large steam turbine. Then a two-megawatt solar tower will produce heat when the weather is colder. The only problem with this new building is that it will cost $4oo million dollars. On the flip side they could pay off their energy dept in just twenty-years. The building could be for offices or residents or maybe even both. They are working towards this building in the near future. The designer Robert Ferry saies that is might sound unrealistic right now but before long we willl be used to seeing buildings such as these. I think the more ways we try to move towards alterate energy sources it will be for the better. This will really help our enviroment.


  1. It looks cool, sounds cool but that price is really steep. I think in order for the environmental renovations, and buildings to take place for big places like this then the cost simply has to come down otherwise the whole effort becomes a bit pointless. I say this because people are not going to want to do something that takes 20 years to show a pay off you know?

  2. I really dont think 20 years is that long for it to pay off. I mean this could be a huge breakthrough on the way we get our power. It would help the environment and eventually cut costs, so everyone is happy.
