The world's existing food system is failing half of the people in the world. It is
estimated that a billion people suffer from hunger, lacking the carbs and proteins and fats, a billion suffer from hidden hunger, lacking needed vitamins and minerals, and a billion people suffer from over consumption, causing diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Scientists believe that in the coming years the cost of food will greatly increase creating problems with migration. People won't be able to feed themselves without destroying the environment. The scientists believe that we will need to turn to genetically modified crops and cloned livestock to transform the global food system in to a sustainable system. Education and technology will also need to be given to the developing nations and reducing food waste is a must. On average Americans throw away 40% of their food!!! In developing nations staying active and eating right will help prevent over consumption also eating locally will help reduce our carbon footprint and supporting groups fighting to end world hunger is also a great way to help. One way to help is going to The Hunger Site and click the button that gives a donation of food to needy people in developing nations, and its free to click!!!
I feel very sad about this whole article. I feel that Americans are very gluttonous and greedy society, the fact that most Americans only eat 60% of their food, and throw away 40% of the rest, is shameful. There are many people in poverished nations, that are starving, and need food, when Americans throwing away nearly half of their food. I think that we should only use genetically modified foods as our last alternative, I think that we should first try to make our own food, and if that means that Americans consume less, then I think we should do that. We need to stop being so greedy as a society, and help nations that are struggling to live, and to have the bare necessities.
ReplyDeleteThis article is kinda sad. I didn't realize that so many people go hungry on a daily basis and that so many will slowly lack the things they need to survive. I can definitely see how this will affect the environment. I think society needs to alter there ways and try and help other nations and countries who aren't as well off as we are.