Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Africa may struggle to extract groundwater

They believe that groundwater in Africa may not be easily extracted because of political and technical challenges and the also the cost. But some maps have shown that the continent has more than 20 times more freshwater storage capacity of lakes on the continent. It is also said that it has one of the largest aquifers in Northern Africa. Some suggest that this discovery could mark the end of water shortages on the continent experts say, but they now are looking for funding to get this groundwater.


  1. This is fantastic news. The amount of money needed to pump this water out of the ground is astronomical. I hope that charities and other generous companies will give money to help fund getting water to Africa.

  2. This is really interesting, if we can find a way to fund this and actually recieve the water, we can help give the country fresh water as well as use some to our own economical advantage.

  3. I think that no matter what the cost is, people should help each other out. Either through donations from companies and organizations, or through fundraisers. The cost may be high but we have 7 billion people living on Earth right now. We could easily raise the money if we worked together.

  4. This is such good news. It's so weird how things work out. Not only has Africa been struggling but so many other countries have been too. The world really needs to come to together and raise the money to help get this water out of the ground. It would help so many people and no one would have to worry about not having enough water anymore. Yes, it would be extremely expensive, however, in the end it would be so worth it. I'm sure that if this money was spent, that it would actually pay itself back. By having more water for people to buy, more money would be spent. So not only would people be able to receive water, but it would also be helping our economy.

  5. This is so awesome! It is so exciting that we have finally come to a point where we can lower the amount of people that don't have safe drinking water. If they have more accessability to water, maybe they will be able to increase the state of life for the people in their country, and once that is raised they can move into the same catergory as other better off countries.
