Thursday, May 10, 2012

Within the essay, “How Safe Are Cell Phones?,” it discusses the concerns of cellular devices creating health problems to its users. Due to the fact that cell phones give off slight radiation leaves it in question. Are cell phones safe to use over time? It is being studied on whether or not cell phones are giving people brain tumors due to the radiation it gives off. However, it is supposedly being extremely recommended by a number of scientists that instead of avoiding cell phone use to be cautious when using them. The scientists stress speaking on cell phones more than texting so they emphasize talking on the phone only when it is absolutely necessary and using hands-free whenever possible to keep the phone away from your head.


  1. i feel lik this is important to study and know just because so many people in the world use cell phones all the time so they should know if it is dangerous to their health specially if it is something they come in contact with everyday. i also think it would be very hard for people this day in age to stop using their phones so much especially when you can do everything on it.

  2. I do believe that cell phones do cause problems with people's health but i think that everything causes an issue with people's health. If you haven't noticed "everything causes cancer some how".
