Thursday, May 10, 2012

Rain Forest Logging

This article is about how scientists study the affects of selective logging could be only on few options we have to make agricultural cash with out destroying the rain forest. Studies show that with selective logging if the land is giving enough time to resupply without disruption can repopulate well without damage done to nature. Scientist conducted over 100 different studies to prove this information. Even though this might not bring money in as fast it would help us in the long run it would keep 76% of the carbon and 80% of plants and animals diversity. This only does not work if the land is turned into rubber or palm oil plantations.


  1. I think this is a great idea! If it is proven through studies that the trees should be able to repopulate as fast as trees are being selectively cut down then this operation should be a Go. Honestly, this idea has very positive outcomes. We would make money off of it, yet not destroy nature and get to keep the the tree's benefits to the biosphere. It is practically brilliant and i feel it should be supported unlike the cutting down of trees that cannot reproduce themselves fast enough to benefit animals and humans in that area.

  2. It is great to know that it is a known fact that selective cutting benefits the environment. This needs to be taken into consideration when large companies have the desire to cut down an entire forest because if they destroy the entire forest it will disrupt a habitat for a group of organisms, but also will damage the Earth's environment through diversity and the amount of carbon in our atmosphere. I feel like laws should be implemented so that this activity is done throughout not only the United States, but worldwide. Industries may not agree and will be up in arms about the laws if created and enforced strictly, but overall studies like the one presented in the article are conducted in order to prove a valid point to people, but also to gain knowledge to benefit everyone all over the globe. The research conducted is very beneficial to everyone because it demonstrates how by changing something as simple as cutting down forests saves diversity between organisms.

  3. I think this is great. I think we should do more research on this and hopefully can effectively get trees without depleting the entire enviroment. I think that this is good because it is not only good for the trees, but everything in their enviroment! I think it is great that we are making large steps to changing the way our environment works together.
