Monday, May 21, 2012

Endangered Flora and Fauna

Endangered Flora and Fauna

Smithsonian National Zoo GorillasPolar bears have been listed as threatened since 2008A new study shows that in within 100 years, about 90 percent of mammals will have lost their native habitat range due to climate change. Of these mammals, 10 percent of them won’t be able to move fast enough to keep up with their shifting habitat. The most at-risk species are actually primates because of the changing climate and because they won’t be able to get to live-able conditions fast enough.  Tropical regions are also a concern which are very sensative climates. The mammals that are expected to fare better are those that can move greater distances, such as elk, moose and sloths. AND GUESS WHAT?! 90 percent of species that are listed under the Endangered Species Act are recovering at their predicted rate!! YAY!! :)  The downside to this news is the fact that there are more species that should be listed as endangered or threatened than there are funds to protect them.
                                                      Karner blue butterfly  By Donna Coffman :)

1 comment:

  1. I do agree thart there need to be more postings of endangered species. I also agree that more should be done. This is a step in the right direction. Nice find Donna!!
