Monday, March 19, 2012

Developing Renewable Energy Resources of Landfill Gas

Every year the average person puts out about 1,130 pounds of waste every year. Sounds like a lot right? Well that's because it is. But what if I told you all that waste, didn't have to go into a landfill, where it's just going to sit, forever. When the waste in a landfill decomposes, it releases two main greenhouse gases, Methane and CO2. Methane is a gas that can be used as fuel and landfills are increasingly starting to realize this. Landfill gas is the source of power for more than a million homes and of heat for over three-quarters of a million homes in the US. Methane is 20 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas for trapping heat. But according to the EPA, 60 to 90 percent of the methane produced by a landfill is captured by a typical landfill gas energy project. The amount of waste we give off would still be incredibly high, but if we have to start saving the planet, we might as well start somewhere. 

1 comment:

  1. I didnt realize the landfill had such a great impact on society. This articles makes sense to me because when the landfill waste decoposes it releases to main heat trapping gases. If you think about it this blog's information is backed up because it has been alot warmer here lately, even in the winter. i still just didnt realize the impact these two gases from something such as a landfill had on the whole environment. This blog was very interesting.
