Thursday, March 15, 2012

A real life Jurassic Park?

Here is the plant that has been brought "back to life"
Silene stenophylla, a plant that has been extinct for over 30,000 years has just been brought back into existence by Russian scientists. A frozen fruit of this plant was found in a squirrels burrow pre-ice age! Growth hormones revived its tissue and made it able to be a living plant. Some think that Global warming may help scientists find more of these burrows in the Siberian permafrost leading to other plants being discovered and re-created. This raises questions about what will be re-created next? To quote Stanislav Gubin, "If we are lucky, we can find some frozen squirrel tissue, and this path could lead us all the way to mammoth".


  1. That is cool. I wonder if the "bringing back to life" of extinct plants and animals will backfire and cause damage to our environment or will it in some way shape or form help us overall.

  2. I think this is really a cool idea. Who ever thought that one day we would actually end up being able to find things that have been extinct and bring them back with the power of science! I would be interested to see what kind of science they used to do this. I wonder if it was just discovered or if they have known about it and just never did anything spectacular with it before. On Jordans comment, I was wondering the same thing when I read this article. I feel like some things go extinct because there is no use for them anymore. I mean could you imagine walking down the street and seeing a mammoth…SCARY! I think this is really cool but I could see this coming back at us. If these things have been off the earth for so many years then we can obviously do without them.
