Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Endangered Species and the Ecosystem

http://www.ypte.org.uk/environmental/endangered-animals-of-the-world/24#Is it important to save animals from extinction?

If a species is endangered this means that they are under threat or near extinction, while extinction means the end of existence for a whole entire species of animal. We need to help out IUCN or formally known as the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources for the good of our ecosystem. This helps keep our ecosystems from being vulnerable and weak. The good news is that some species have made a comeback. The bad news is that many more species are now under threat, including indicator species and evolutionarily unique species. When an indicator species becomes threatened, endangered, or worse, extinct, this means an entire ecosystem faces collapse. To prevent this from happening it is important to realize the planets biodiversity, which deals with our variety of plant and animal life, as well as all the habitats they live in, and the food they must consume to survive. Due to the fact that certain animals only eat certain plants and the fact that those plants may need those certain animals to pollinate or spread their seeds, this means that the plant without the animal or the animal without the plant could cause a whole species to die out. The more species too disappear, the more entire eco-systems become vulnerable and would eventually fall apart. They eventually fall apart due to food chains in an environment becoming broken.

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