Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Air pollution may increase stroke, heart attack risk

A recent study shows that people who are around high quality pollutant air can increase the possibility of a stroke, and in a large-scale population increase the chance of a heart attack. It is stated that 20% of the polluted air that was breathed by people could have been reduced based on an individuals' environment, something an individual could have prevented. Possible solutions could be to move to a lower air-quality environment, or to not remain in high air quality environments for a long duration. Barriers to the provided solution is that people can't control where they live, and are not aware of the high air quality environment they are in. I believe that this should be studied further to find more solutions to prevent more strokes from happening. I think the solutions are unreasonable because people cannot control the amount of polluted air that they breath.



  1. Wow. This is sad. Basically, we walk out of our homes and inhale death. Many people are so unaware of the air quality level. Sometimes the news will have a segment about the pollen level, but I guess we never really think about the amount of polluted air that we breathe in. If we can discover a way to clean the air that we do breathe, many lives could be saved.

  2. Well, its what should be expected, most of the time we as Americans are not good to the air. It is sad that this happens to people, but there is a easy way to fix this problem. Fix the source of the air pollution, which comes from cars, power plants and other harmful things. I wish there was a way to stay alive and not breathe, but there isn't so lets fix the source of the problem. Remember lives are at stake. The more we don't fix the solutions to problems and not do anything about it the worse it will get.

  3. This is really sad. It doesn't surprise me that this is happening, but it's still really crazy to think about this. Reading this aricle just makes me want to do more for the enviroment around me and change the qualitiy of the air I breathe. I want to live as long as I possibly can.

  4. As a huge problem as this is this is going to be hard to fix. I grew up in a city for 15 years and cant recall a quite time in any given area. With all the cars, waste, plants etc its hard to make a drastic change to help the air quality. But i suppose we have to start small somewhere!

  5. I think that this is a sad result of modern day way of living. As much as we would like to change the system, I believe that our way of life may be too far along for any drastic changes. Things such as not driving cars, or cutting out pollution all together seem impossible. But I do think that with the right motivation, some minor changes could be made. Maybe riding our bikes to our friends houses rather than driving to the next neighborhood. Small things like this may start to change the air quality.

  6. This posting is quite unfortunate, but I’m not too surprised by the terrible circumstances in which we live. People pollute the air all the time and rarely does anyone think about it. I bet most people don’t think “Oh no, I’m polluting” when they are driving to the mall. That’s not how most peoples’ minds work. They go about their daily lives doing what they have always done. Yes, things need to change, because like Parker said, every time we breathe we are breathing death. People could make a huge impact on the amount of air pollution if they chose to live different life styles; however, do I think that things will change? Not any time soon!

  7. Not many people understand exactly how much one individual can make a difference in their environment. I believe that it is horrendous news that we as a whole have to live in an unfiltered environment due to others. But I do believe that one problem is that people are just so unaware of the things they do and how it affects everyone and not just them. The small things people can do to help the environment in even a little way all adds up! It is baffling how much a difference can be made and yet there is no action being taken. How can America fix things it has help destroy? Get involved.
