Thursday, March 22, 2012

The ocean is in trouble

Many people think of the ocean as a thing that will always be there and that nothing can harm it. This is not true. Scientists are coming forward with new information stating that the ocean is in grave danger. The scientists predict a grim future in the years to come if we do not change our ways. This is because of the many issues plaguing the oceans such as; ocean acidification, loss of marine diversity, climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Of these problems, climate change and ocean acidification are of the utmost importance. Ocean acidification is depleting the food supply, which makes up the lower levels of the aquatic food chain. If the plankton die off, it could potentially screw up the entire food chain. Original Article


  1. This is scary to think about. Not many people know that the ocean is in trouble and I think it is something that people should be more aware of. Scientists need to make it a point inform people of the problems so people can change their ways and help our environment.

  2. This is really eye opening because many people are unaware about this issue that potentially threatens an entire ecosystem that could overall affect humans and other organisms as well. In order to solve this very important issue, I feel that people should be made aware about this scary event so it will help get support for this cause. Once the cause has a sufficient number of supporters, the issue will be known by a variety of people that can begin preventing pollution in seas and other threatening actions such as overfishing that are potential causes of the disappearance of the ocean. With awareness and people making actions to prevent this from happening I feel this issue will be saved. Laws should be created in order to prevent overfishing and pollution because these causes can be prevented unlike climate change. Laws that prevent overfishing and pollution should be strictly enforced in order to get the point across to the public that the ocean is at risk and we should be doing all that we can to save it because we have no clue what type of affect it will have on our lives and ecosystem without it.

  3. This is really important for us as a society to be informed about because it will end up effecting us. Since scientist know that there are many issues affecting our ocean can they now figure out a way to change it so then this issue doesn't mess up the entire food chain. If the scientist get the data that they have collected out to the public then this will change people view on what is going on in our ocean. I think what Devin said was good about them passing a law because this will help out this issue tremendously.
