Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Interesting environment wards off cancer


Stress is always sought to be a bad thing but in this case it proves little stress may actually be a good thing. Studys have proved that stress maybe a new stop to certain types of cancer. The expirement conducted consisted of injecting skin cancer into mice that are located in a crowded cage with other mice and plenty of toys to prove that a mice that has cancer can fight it better with stress, rather than those mice who live in a household with no toys or other individuals. The experimenter explains that a mild boost in stress to be what keeps the cancer at bay by switching on a molecular pathway that restrains tumor growth. After the expirement was tested the results showd that after six weeks, the mice raised in the enriched enviroment with other individuals and toys had tumors that were 80% smaller than those mice who were left in the household.


  1. That's kind of cool but no one honestly wants to put stress on themselves. Did the article maybe say how they would use this with cancer patients, or if they were going to apply it to cancer patients?

  2. I agree that is kind of a cool discovery who knew that one day all the stress would actually pay off. Everyone may hate stress but if a little stress could possibly change the affect of us getting cancer and possibly ending our lives then yeah I think I will stick with a little bit of stress here and there. Although it is a good discovery I agree with Ariel how can this be used or applied for cancer patients?

  3. They injected the mice with skin cancer. Then after 6 weeks they tested, and saw that the mice that are living with other mice and other toys had tumors that were 80$ smaller than those who live in a household with no stress. The article did not specify how stress could be used to fight off cancer for humans.

  4. I agree that this is interesting, especially if stress was a good thing in this situation. I always view stress as a bad thing and that it is a big factor to why humans get sick. Even though this was an experiment on mice, it's reassuring that stress could be a preventative tool to cancer.

  5. It is kind of a cool idea. But then again who even knows if stress will really help humans fight off the cancer. Maybe it's just the mice? But if it really is true and you didn't have to have even too much stress to fight off some of the cancer i guess it could maybe work some?

  6. This is very interesting. Everyone will always have stress. It is basically impossible to be 100% stress free. I think that too much of a good thing is a bad thing. A little stress can be beneficial if it is helping us stay cancer free.

  7. This is very interesting. If stress can prevent size of tumors, it makes me wonder what else could possible help prevent cancers. Personally I would trust a more reliable study, possibly a human subject.
