Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Warmth of Human Bodies Waiting Below Ground for Paris Metro Will Heat New Apartment Complex
The French are creating a new experimental project. They areinstalling a heating system in a public aparment biulding and using the body heat from an underground metrosystem to heat the apartments. The system will use a calometric heat from the humans walking around. This will heat 17 apartments. This will cut carbon emmissions by one third. The heat collected is pushed through funnels into the halls of the apartments. I think that this is a new discovery that will lead to many new innovations and will lead to new more eco friendly heating systems.


  1. I don't really understand this. Because what happens when there is no body down there to make no body heat? And will that be enough heat to heat up the apartments enough. And then again it is only 17 apartments. It is kind of cool that they have figured out how to do this which hopefully in the future will make them figure out even better ways to heat up places with other things other than body heat.

  2. This is a busy Metro system underneath the apartments so there are always bodies. And this is also just an experimental project. They are trying to find better ways to do. The body heat though is free. This is an inexpensive way to heat these apatments even if it is only 17.

  3. I think it's a very interesting idea. It's the start of something that could potentially be great.
