Monday, October 18, 2010

New Fad: Bike Paths

More and more people are wanting to live near bikes paths, some people are even paying more for houses just to be near them. Not only does it reduce ones carbon footprint, if everyone starts to ride bicycles the obesity problem in the U.S. could decrease. Tennessee has plans to make over a 1000 miles of bicycle trails through 7 counties to help cut back on automobile pollution and obesity (Tennessee ranked 2nd for obesity in nation). If just a couple million people would ride bikes, and would use their cars less, the green results would be amazing.


  1. i think this is a great new fad. it's getting rid of carbon admissions and is also helping better the health of those using the bike paths.

  2. The increase in bike riding is a fantastic idea, however what about rural areas with huge distances to travel just to get to the grocery store? While a bike path in our town may encourage people who already lived close enough to these areas to ride bikes instead of drive their cars, there are still those who waste more time riding a bike somewhere as opposed to using their car. I agree that big cities, especially those with high obesity rates, need to implement more bike paths to encourage people to use them, but perhaps other solutions need to be given for rural areas.

  3. If we increased bike riding in the U.S, i think thre would be alot of bike-related accidents; SUch as people falling off or gettin hit by an oncoming vehicle. Even though it would decrease obesity and carbon footprint, how many people do you actually think will ride a bike to the store or to an sporting event or watever..Americans are already used to the lazy life and willl depend on motorized mobility over biking any day.
