Scientists have used ancient shorelines to predict the stability of today's largest ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. Markings of a high shoreline from three million years ago were thought to be evidence of a high sea level due to ice sheet collapse at that time. This assumption has led many scientists to think that if the world's largest ice sheets collapsed in the past, then they may do just the same in our modern, progressively warming world. The new evidence of older ice from this research has raised more experiments and a more thought out explanation of what meets the eyes when it comes to icebergs/ice sheets. Also the ice is melting make the shore lines rise which is either good or bad for some countries along the coast. Research is still being done for the questions that are left unanswered.
Article: World's Biggest Ice Sheets Likely More Stable Than Previously Believed
I always watch the history channel so I kind of already knew about it but I still find these kind of things interesting. Because of raised sea levels many ancient cities were flooded and lost in the oceans. Lets just hope that doesn't happen to us.