Sunday, October 14, 2012

Billions of People Face Food Shortages Due to Global Warming

Half the world faces food shortages due to shorter growing seasons. Obviously this Is bad because we need food to live. It’s also expected that the human population will double, so food demand will double, but it can’t double if global warming makes it grow less.  We need to either start growing more food, or stop leaving such a large carbon footprint. But no ones actually willing to change the way they live, so its blocking us from doing that. I think if we just tried to recycle or reduce our footprints by a fraction then it would help.


  1. Trying to find an alternative fuel source and solving world hunger are two of the major problems in our world today. If global warming is affecting world hunger then it just gives us more reason to solve this problem.

  2. I think we need to tart finding more efficient ways of travel to decrease global warming. If we did this, we could grow more and healthier food. The shortage of food would not be as bad of we just made a little more effort.

  3. I agree with caleb because if we dont stop leaving such a huge footprint now, then more and more people are going to go hungry. if we dont limit our resources then we will never acheive a sustainable world. This problem shouldnt be pushed any farther back, we need answers to this.

  4. Like Evan said if global warming is affecting world hunger then we have a major issue upon us. We need to figure out better alternatives. Maybe we can make stores closer to homes so we can just walk to get what we need instead of using our cars. Yes, it seems like the impossible but how will we know unless we actually try?

  5. It seems like everything we do these days contributes to a larger carbon footprint. We all need to work on fixing this for the future's sake. I also agree with Evan, something has to be done if global warming is going to cause world hunger.
