Sunday, October 14, 2012

How Fungi May Create the Amazon's Clouds

This article talks about how the fungi in the amazon forest could potentially create the clouds. The research was done in Germany. In every forest area carbon clumping takes place and most scientist can see it happen through microscopes. But for some reason in the amazon the carbon clumps form from out of no where. So, in effort to figure out the cause of the unknown clumping two researches went to the amazon and took samples of the air to know how the particles are made. Turns out that it is a lot of carbon particles and potassium. Potassium is the element that causes these particles to appear out of the blue and the potassium comes plants and fungi under the climate that the amazon provides.So far there isn't any harm being done so why try and stop it? This could lead to different possible ways to find better solutions.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that’s crazy. I know how amazing the amazon is, with its 2.5 million species of insects, 40,000 species of plants, and thousands of species of birds, but I didn’t know how it was generating its own clouds. There is another reason to not cut down the rain forest, its making our clouds.
