Sunday, October 14, 2012

What Might Have Caused Recent Increase of Coral Diseases in the Caribbean?

(Oct. 9, 2012)       
Coral populations all over the world are being killed by marine diseases. Millions of people depend on these coral reefs for food and protection from storms. Normally diseases that cluster are contagious, but this disease in the coral reef is not. Environmental stress is to blame. These Coral diseases located in the Caribean are most likely caused by stress from the warming seas, which is the result of climate change. Scientists have suspected that as the water temperature increase, the corals’ immune system decreases making it more susceptible to disease. As the ocean continues to warm, the likelihood of coral diseases will increase. Global warming is to blame for the cause of these coral infections. My solution would be to make an even bigger and better effort of decreasing global warming. Our planet has been trying for years to stop global warming but obviously our efforts are still not working. Transportation like trucks, cars, scooters, and trains are a big source of carbon dioxide that is being released into the atmosphere. If all of our means of transportation in the world were electric or ran on a resource that wouldn’t produce pollution, global warming and its effects would maybe stop in the near future. The only problem with that solution would be it would be very difficult to find an affordable and convenient resource that could replace gasoline. Also, we wouldn’t know how long it would possibly take for the majority of the world to have access to this resource and actually see a positive change in the environment. I feel that we as humans should take the time to actually come up with a possible solution to global warming, which is causing too many disturbances on our mother earth.


  1. Coral reefs have been dying for a long time, ad nobody has really been doing much, because they aren't seen as imprtant as other endangered species. I go to florida and there are some there and people just walk on them and try breaking pieces off.

  2. I think we should definitely try to stop this. Coral reefs are so beautiful and unique that if people continue to kill them there won't be any left. Instead of breaking pieces off they could just admire it or take a picture.

  3. Money seems to be an issue in every situation. If we can do things to help the enviroment we need to take adavatage of it. Especially if it's a low cost. Marine life is just as important as any other thing on this world. We need to keep everything stable.
