Thursday, October 11, 2012

Should the World Increase its Reliance on Nuclear Energy?

After the nuclear disaster in Japan last year people around the world are going against nuclear power. The problems with the nuclear program in Iran aren’t helping either. Some say that nuclear power is the best way for electricity without creating greenhouse gases. Others think the increases in nuclear plants around the world are dangerous and that there are less expensive ways for electricity. In the article, Mark Lynas argues that there is no problem with nuclear energy and that the increasing populations around the earth make nuclear plants a necessity for creating electricity. He also states that radiation isn’t an extreme threat. But many people are terrified all of this. New sources of producing electricity need to be found to relieve people’s fright.  Wind and solar energy is a possibility to take the place of nuclear energy. Today wind and solar are two percent of the worlds electricity production. To fix this, decrease nuclear power and increase wind and solar power. It is cheaper. I believe we need to decrease use of nuclear energy around the world a lot. Nations like Iran and North Korea are using nuclear energy for wrong. It is getting out of hand. There are many ways to create electricity.


  1. I agree with Lynas. The fear of a nuclear catastrophe resulting from increased nuclear power plants is nearly impossible. Nuclear energy is also much cleaner than oil and gas, and helps to reduce our carbon footprint. Like the article said, wind and solar power are cleaner than nuclear energy, but at this time they cannot amount to the energy that we can harness from Nuclear Energy.

  2. Even though many people are frightened from the thought of nuclear energy, we do need to remember that it is better way of producing electricity without added green house gases. Yes, many countries may have different intentions while using nuclear energy, but global warming is a big issue. So if we have a source of energy that could help bring a stop to global warming, great. Wind and solar power are also an option. We don’t have nearly as much controversy with wind and solar power as we do with nuclear power. So I agree that those two sources of power are the best bet. They also won’t cause access green house gases.

  3. I think nuclear energy should be used more. But, only for electrical purposes, instead of countries like Iran and North Korea wanting bombs. Nuclear meltdowns are nothing more than freak accidents. Cherynobel and three mile island both happened only because it wasn't conducted right. Nuclear energy could be an amazing source to replace enviromentally harmful energies. We just need to be safe about it.

  4. I think we should increase our use of nuclear power. It would help our economy and be more efficient than some of the power we are using now. Of course we would need to use it for the right reason unlike other countries.

  5. I think we should rely more on nuclear power, and finding ways to make it safer and the number one way to provide safe energy to power millions of homes. This in my opinion will have an economical boost and have positive effect on the environment.
