Sunday, October 14, 2012

Species Extinction

A problem faced in the world today is species extinction. Some species near extinction are certain types of fish, monkeys and rhinoceros'. If any species go extinct, the whole way of life is thrown off. This is because other species rely on the extinct ones. The result of this would be more extinction which would obviously not be good for the environment at all. Possible solutions are minimizing use of pesticides, slower driving, and reporting any abusive illegal behavior towards animals. Barriers to these are the fact that we need pesticides to kill insects to grow food to survive. Also, people aren't going to change their driving habits just to save an animal's life. Last, some people won't report all the illegal behaviors. In my opinion, species extinction is a big deal. Our whole life pretty much relies on the circle of life and if one species is removed, we're all in trouble.,29307,1888702_1863782,00.html


  1. I agree with tori on the extinction of animals. Like she said if one specific animal population becomes extinct it will destroy the populations that depend on that animal. I feel that extinction of a species is a big deal, but most people dont realize how big of a deal it is. If cows were to go extinct, humans would have a problem because it effects their lifestyle. But what about all the other animals that have had their lifestyles affected, it seems not many people care about that. Animal extinction needs to be taken care of, and like tori said things need to be done, before there is no more of a life form that once walked the earth.

  2. I agree with tori 100%. Animal extinction is something more people need to think about when they decide they wanna go shot things or hit whatever crosses their path while they are driving. Aniamls affect the way we live. Its the circle of life, everything relys on another thing, that relys on another. With a link in the chain gone you cant hold much up.

  3. You are absolutely right. People are so selfish and don’t care about their impact on the animal kingdom, and the ecosystem. Cutting down the rain forest will cause hundreds of species to go extinct, but companies don’t care as long as they get their money. Without animals, humans could not survive. We need to wake up and realise how we are harming our earth.

  4. I agree that people don't really care about animals going extinct because it doesn't affect them but if one species goes extinct that affects other species that depends on that species. If humans lost chicken and it was about to go extinct then they would make a huge deal about it and they would change there ways to save that animal because they depend n that animal so humans should do that with all he animals not just the ones they like.
