Sunday, October 14, 2012

brown tree snake

The brown tree snake is an environmental issue because of the harm it is causing in Guam. The brown tree snake used to be only in Australia. It has now found its way to Guam, and is causing harm to the people and animals there. They cause power outages all over the island by climbing up the pylons. They also have decimated a lot of the bird and reptile populations. The solution is to take the snakes back to Australia or to just exterminate them somehow. The barrier is that there’s no way of knowing if we catch all the snakes because one could easily hide. My opinion is that these snakes are harmful to the fragile ecosystem of Guam and a lot of species could go extinct thanks to them.


  1. This is a very difficult situation. Yes, the snakes do need to be taken care of. But I feel like it is almost impossible to get rid of every single one.

  2. The people who live in guam should try to decrease the snakes so that this way they can descrease all the harm and problems that they are causing. It might be a difficult task but, shouldn't it be worth it?

  3. Something should be done about these snakes, not killing them all, but just removing them to a deserted island or a place where not many people live. This way the power wouldnt be affected and these snakes wouldnt kill off populations of animals. This is a serious issue and i feel like the snakes are making Guam fall apart, something needs to be done about this.
