Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hotels Improve their Conservation Efforts

Many hotels promote conservation efforts by encouraging guests to use less water than needed, and to reuse towels if they are not dirty, but does this really help? A recent report show that an average 150 room hotel can save 72,000 gallons of water and 480 gallons of laundry soap just by leaving cards telling the guest to reuse towels or use less water. Cheap appliances such as the toilet tank fill diverter can save ¾ of a gallon of water on each flush of a toilet.  The World Travel and Tourism Council now works to reduce America’s hotels carbon footprints by working with hotel chains such as Hilton, Marriot and Hyatt. The Four Seasons Hotel chain is also trying to become greener by planting 10 million trees across 34 countries to help reforest the world. With all these major hotel chains working together to reduce their impact on the environment, the carbon footprint we make will be lessened immensely. 


  1. This is a great idea. Who knew you could save that large of an amount of resources just with hotels. More people staying at these places need to be aware of their efforts.

  2. It is great that American hotels are working together and trying to help reduce their carbon foot print. A little can go a long way, and I think these hotel chains are doing a very noble thing. It is not easy to try and be more eco friendly especially for a hotel. But, maybe other industries will see their efforts and try to do the same thing. You wouldn’t think something as simple as reusing a towel would help save the environment. It is great that the Four Seasons hotel is planting 10 million trees. That is going to make a difference for forest all over the world.

  3. More trees are always good. More major componies need to follow this example. If every major compony encuraged things like this, then the enviroment would improve alot. Even if it's mcdonalds getting customers to use only as many napkins as they need. Every little bit helps.

  4. This is an awesome effort towards conservation. Just by doing this, many other environmental problems could be solved. It could also start a chain reaction and make other businesses become more conscious of their decisions.

  5. I agree with everyone about. This is going to be such a great way to change our world together and hopefully everyday people will be inspired by all these hotels coming together that they come together to make the world a better place.

  6. i agree with everyone on this blog. I feel that its a great thing that hotels are trying to help reduce their footprint on the world. They are helping other people out by saving the environment so we still have a stable world to live in. And more big companies like tori said will start looking at this and hopefully it will influence them to try and help the environment, because when the enviroment is healthy, so are the populations around it.

  7. I agree with this article, I personally think that us as Americans should do more to conserve more water, I feel like many of us don not even appreciate the fact that we have clean water everyday. There is still many other countries that do not even have that one life necessity. Also my family tends to travel a lot, so this will be kept in mind around holidays when we spend it in different hotels across Florida trying to visit family.

  8. I aslo agree because conserving water from hotels never crossed my mind. It is a great idea and it will definitely be beneficial. I think it is up to the customers to decide if they want to help towards this cause when they stay in a hotel. I travel so much because of cheerleading, just like Pricilla, and my family can contribute to this cause.
