Sunday, October 21, 2012

Green Walls Create New Urban Jungles

Green Walls Create New Urban Jungles
Vertical green gardens are popping up and are becoming more popular all over cities these days.  The chances that you’ll see one while walking though the city were rare but this year you might see them on a daily basis.  These large green transforming urban jungles have found their way in many parts of London and are now on numerous sites including buildings, officers, hotels, parking garages, restaurants, houses, parking lots, and schools.  Mark Laurence says that these vertical gardens can deliver multiple benefits as he talks about people being able to grow their vegetables right behind their house.  He says that the market is shifting and moving toward how it can provide as many eco-systems and green structures for urban areas. One system he mentioned is the modular hydroponic system, where plants sit in a soil-free set up with nutrients delivered through irrigation channels.  This set up can be created on almost any desirable wall and is the most popular and common right now.  An underground station in London has some of the best air quality in the city because it contains one of London’s greenest creations, and largest green wall structure.  Scientist say that green walls are even more effective than trees in parts of the city where the walls of buildings are taller than the widths of the roads.  I think our cities can become much more ecofriendly with the spreading and creating of many new green walls.  If people build them in highly public areas pedestrians will see them and then they will consider making them too.  Barriers to the solution of creating green walls are just the fact of spreading the word and teaching everyone the creation methods of these structures.  The produce grown from the green walls can be solutions to school lunches and can be sent to schools for their students to eat.  My opinion is that green walls need to become not just a rare occurrence, but a popular and eco trendy thing shared by people in urban communities.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea for people living near or in the city. This way you can grow your own food without worrying about all the pesticides and harmful things with in them. Also the fact that it is helping the environment makes it even better. It is amazing that they are even better for the environment that trees are. I believe that as a community, we should start making these green garden walls. It will be better and healthier for our community.
