Sunday, October 14, 2012

Glaciers Cracking in the Presence of Carbon Dioxide

(Oct. 10, 2012)
Scientists are showing that the strength in ice is decreasing drastically due to the increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide. This makes ice capes and glaciers more vulnerable to cracking and splitting into pieces. Ice capes and glaciers cover 7 percent of the Earth, which is more than Europe and North America combined. Cracking and splitting was seen recently when a huge crack in the Pine Island Glacier in Antarctica created a glacier the size of Berlin. Ice capes and glaciers are responsible for reflecting 80-90 percent of the Earth’s sun light rays hat enter our atmosphere and maintain the temperature. My solution is that we find a different source of fuel for or transportation so we can release less CO2 in the atmosphere. The only problem would be to find a resource that is abundant yet affordable at the same time. I believe this is a really big issue, seeing as the objects that control the temperature and the livelihood of our Earth are being destroyed.



  1. The cracking of the glaciers is a serious problem due to the fact that with more and more cracks, the glaciers will break up and eventually melt. Controlling the amount of CO2 we release is essential in stopping anymore of these glaciers from breaking up.

  2. Global warming is such a serious issuse. It's amazing how us humans pass this off as nothing. We need to use better solutions to avoid all these problems. Before it's too late.

  3. Global warming has always been and issue and always will be an issue. But its a super serious issue at the moment with the glaciers cracking. We really need to find a way to decrease the amount of CO2 released.
