Monday, October 8, 2012

In Organic-Hungry Hong Kong, Corn as High as an Elevator’s Climb

               In Hong Kong, a man named Kimbo Chan was tired of chemically grown food that is offered. He decided to grow his own organic food right on the roof top of his home located in the heart of the city. Kimbo states “Chemicals not meant for agricultural uses at all.”  Others in the city are following his lead and buying plots on rooftops to grow their own food. Many are increasing their awareness of their food and what is in it.  All over Hong Kong, there is a rise of all organic food stores and rooftop gardens.  This is one of the most populated cities in the world, with a total count of 7.1 million.  There are so many people in such a small place, there is virtually no agriculture areas anywhere. All of Hong Kong's food comes from the mainland in China. Some gardeners have been declined permission to start their green tops. “There is too much work in dealing with the government and the Housing Authority,” said Mr. Wong, the organic-food expert. I believe rooftop gardening is a very creative and healthy way to live. This way it is better not only for you, but the environment as well. 


  1. Food isn’t what it what is use to be. Back in the day most of the food was fresh and locally grown and there wasn’t as much mass producing of food than there is today. With mass production come more methods of quick and affordable ways of producing food. This is why chemicals are used in our food. Chemicals make the food last longer and can also provide more food by artificially making more of the food. I think it was a very smart idea of Mr. Chan to start growing his own organic fresh food. It is even cooler that he was able to do that in one of the densest cities in the world.

  2. The rooftop gardens are a good idea. The rooftop gardens shouldn't be declined, they should be promoted. The rooftop gardening is not as expensive as the food at the organic stores so therefor it would be a better option.

  3. I agree that Rooftop gardens are a good idea. If people don’t have a yard or space on the ground to grow food, they should be able to grow on their roof.

  4. Food isn’t what it what is use to be. Back in the day most of the food was fresh and locally grown and there wasn’t as much mass producing of food than there is today. With mass production come more methods of quick and affordable ways of producing food. This is why chemicals are used in our food. Chemicals make the food last longer and can also provide more food by artificially making more of the food. I think it was a very smart idea of Mr. Chan to start growing his own organic fresh food. It is even cooler that he was able to do that in one of the densest cities in the world.

  5. We should use rooftop gardens whenever possible. People are going to need more food as the population grows in the future. We can go ahead and get started on being self relient and not place such a demand on the small numbers of farmers we have.

  6. I think this is a really good idea. If more people would start doing this, food would be more affordable. Also, there probably wouldn't be as many food-related sicknesses because there wouldn't be as many chemicals used.

  7. This sounds like the perfect idea. It can help in some many ways. If we can get food from our gardens then we won't have to go to the store as often and that reduces that amount of gas we use which can help the climate. It's like a chain reaction.
