Sunday, October 14, 2012

Shortage of Water

In today's world, water is underestimated. No one thinks to turn the water off while they're brushing their teeth or letting their shower water run too long. In reality, this is causing huge problems with our water supply. According to statistics, only 1% of our water is drinkable. One in five humans do not have access to safe water. Some solutions to this are desalinization which is expensive but will work, decreasing pollution and atmospheric water generators that gather water from the air. The barrier to these solutions is money. The country/ world is already in a recession so this issue isn't so big compared to creating more jobs or finding a way to make more money. I believe that this is a big deal and we need to do everything we can to fix this.


  1. i agree with tori that a shortage of water is a big deal. Without water, were all dead. Then other life problems like making more money wouldnt even matter. Water is a neccesity of life, and when only 1% of our water is drinkable that is a scary thought. its an even scarier thought that one in five humans do not have access to safe water. this affects a persons health, and the entire world.

  2. That's interesting. I was unaware of the amount of water that is able to be drunk. Water is a huge part of everyone's life style. We need to fix this issue asap.

  3. I never knew there was only 1% drinkable water on the earth. I think everyone should know that so then maybe they'll think about that the next time they take a 30 minute shower or leave the water running when they brush their teeth. Then in return, we'll all be saving more water and money.

  4. We in America take water for granted. People do waste water when they leave it running when they brush their teeth and just stand in the shower with the water running. Americans waste tons of water when there are people over in foreign country's that don't even have water to drink and we waste water taking a shower.
